Tuesday, July 7, 2020

An open letter to my professional colleagues

 India has just emerged as the third most affected country in the world. Covid 19 has a remarkable recovery rate and the Government is doing a decent job of containing the epidemic. Experts say the worst is yet to come and the soft underbelly of our health system is likely to be exposed when our health infrastructure and our already burdened doctors and nurses can no longer cope.
It is time to bring in more manpower from allied health care professions. I am not sure of  the indigenous systems whose concepts of therapeutics and  pathology of diseases are quite different from that of modern medicine. But professionals trained in dentistry and who have a common pathway of training like physicians should certainly be mobilised. Amongst them, maxillofacial surgeons, with extensive hospital and ICU familiarity can certainly amplify the manpower requirements.
Many cities are already reeling under the lack of medical personnel to deal with the number of patients requiring critical care. Even hospitals with adequate infrastructure are unable to function for want of man power.
India has a serious anomaly where we have a deficient doctor patient ratio for medical doctors whereas we have an enormous surplus of dentists, due to poor manpower planning and business interests a decade and a half ago. So here is our opportunity to deploy hospital based dental or maxillofacial surgeons.
In fact some cities have already called up eminent maxillofacial surgeons and some like Dr Neelam Andrade, a maxillofacial surgeon and Dean of Nair hospital has been appointed head of one of the biggest dedicated Covid hospitals in the world in Mumbai.  The NESCO jumbo facility which has a projected capacity of 3000 units has 1171 fully furnished beds with bedside oxygen, advanced monitoring and resuscitation equipment. It also has an impeccable, 0 mortality. Dr Andrade, who also happens to be a friend and professional colleague, directs the logistics of managing the facility, from the control room and on the ground. This includes non- contact triaging, computerized tracking and ensuring the safety of 62 doctors, 87 nurses and 103 ward boys and  includes, pulmonologists, intensive care physicians, dental and maxillofacial surgeons and doctors from various other indigenous systems. We are proud of the outstanding contribution of Dr Neelam, one of our fraternity, a dynamic woman and a past president, who heads this operation.
While Universities like RGUHS and some other universities have given Interns, PGs and staff an option, we need greater mobilization. So why are so few dental surgeons, particularly OMFS not deployed for COVID duty at this crucial time? India currently has nearly 10-15000 registered OMFS with dental background. The DCI has nearly 400,000 dentists registered in its various state registers.  Many young men and women are enrolled for post -graduation while others are in private or government practice. The government must seriously consider deploying them in this emergency. The DCI must make a firm commitment in this time of need. The majority of them are currently sitting at home, allowing their skills to be wasted, waiting out the pandemic, while thousand are seriously sick around the country. As a first step, the oral and maxillofacial surgeons who are trained in administering intravenous drugs, monitoring vitals and capable of several bedside procedures must be mobilised. Other dental surgeons, particularly hospital based ones, can follow and contribute with their medical knowledge, particularly if they are not engaged in active work.
While several State governments have compulsorily enrolled the services of their staff, many private dental institutions remain closed with their staff safely ensconced in their homes delivering and listening to webinars and online symposiums.  
The Association of Oral and maxillofacial surgeons and the Dental Council of India must encourage the members in private institutions and even private practice to join the endeavour against Covid 19 by calling for volunteers and even compulsorily deploying post graduates and junior staff of OMFS to be a part of the war against the deadly pandemic. Apart from being a corporate responsibility social responsibility, this will bring dignity and recognition to the profession by standing shoulder to shoulder with our medical colleagues at this crucial juncture. On the part of the government, there should be incentives in the form of attractive remuneration, additional marks for NEET (for interns) and decent food and living condition.
Recognition for OMFS as an important surgical speciality has to be earned by our actions, not by just claiming parity and privileges without taking risks. I have volunteered. Have you?
Dr George Paul
Past Hon. Secretary, AOMSI
Past President AOMSI


Sava said...

Straight from the Heart Sir...Time to stand up and be counted..Hope this pride swells...

George Paul said...

Thanks Saravanan. This is a need

Unknown said...

worthy colleague and leader


Very encouraging words from GP Sir for budding OMFS friends. Hat's off.

Debasish Sinha said...

With due respect sir, it's much needed to serve the society and the nation

Unknown said...

I'm interested to do work sir

Unknown said...

Its a great initiative.
Happy and willing to contribute
Dr. Puneet Wadhwani

Dr.V.S.Rege said...

Dr.George Paul....Sir this heatfelt narrative of yours,coming straight from the Horse's mouth,is very apt n effective itself.
Its time for the entire dental fraternity then from Himalay to Kankyakumari and from Rajasthan to Arunachal pradesh,to come out on their own,with a sense of belonging to the duty of our country,in this emergency need of pandemic corona; a d deliver their duties as DRs which they so proudly flout in front of their names everywhere.
Having studied the basic modern allopathy subjects of 1.Human Anatomy
2.Gen.Physiology 3.Gen Pathology n microbiology 4.Gen.Pharmacology
5.Gen.Medicine and 6.Gen.Surgery has armed them enough to assist any Critical situation in such pandemic emergencies.
I do not feel they necessarily have to be only OMFS specialists.
Dear sir...by classifying yourself thus...not only are you grouping yourself as ALIENS but also downcasting the Bachors of Dental Surgery BDS...who have Graduated as SURGEONS themselves.
Its time for you MDS people to Stop this Dental Casteism in India and instead fight together as a Formidable force of DENTISTRY in India.
Sir...please do not forget ...its not that a GENERAL alone can WIN a war....s/he will be totally TOOTHLESS...pun intended... without a formidable battalion.
I do not have to mention how a giant machine can be USELESS WITHOUT a simple sadha screw.
I,as a simple BDS feel...with the knowledge of Basic Medicine that each BDS in India has with him...he can fight corona pandemic as equally as any MDS or MD/MS if not more...because what counts here is your 1.Grit 2.Determination 3.Dedication 4.Hardwork 5.Sincerity n 6.Caring..not your Marks or Gold medals in MD.MS.MDS.
Hope my message is LOUD N CLEAR ti all...BDS as well as Others....Dr.Vivekanand ShantaShripad Rege BDS -ExFaculty Gen.Patho & Micro. And Gen.Surgery Univ.of Bombay/Mumbai/MUHS.

Unknown said...

Very encouraging words sir! I have volunteered for screenings and OPD level treatments. But there is no distinction made between General dentist and maxillofacial surgeon.

Binu said...

A great thought.The need of the hour. People may volunteer if there is someone who will genuinely lead from the front, with Govt. support.